Thursday, January 18, 2007


Hello everyone!! It seem that I have been neglecting my blog. I am sorry for that and I will try to update more often. I am here to talk about what has been on my mind recently. I have various questions about why things are the way they are. Have you ever had your parents tell you to use your fork, take your elbows off the table, or anything else having to do with manners? That is what I don't understand. Why do we have to take our elbows off the table? Why is it gross to talk with your mouth full? Why do we have to have clothes that match? Why do some guys like to "sag"? Why do people like Abercrombie? Why do we think certain cars look cooler than others? Why do we cut our hair? Why do many guys like long hair? Why do girls (and some guys...) like ear rings? Why does pizza taste so good? Why do rappers wear grills and gold metals around their necks? Do any off these things make since when you think about it hard enough??? Why get tattoos? Who defines if a person looks good or not? Why in the world do most guys love watching football (or any sport for that matter)?!?! What is the point?? Why do we have so many words for the same meaning in the English language? Why does having big muscles make a guy more handsome in our society? Why do kids like chewing gum in class? Why do we like music? Why do we like different types of music? Why do we wear shoes and not padded plastic on our feet? Why do socks have that little gray place at the heel? Why do some people enjoy reading? Why do we like the sound (and feeling) of bass (the kind in music not the fish...)? Why are most little children afraid of the dark? Why do people enjoy shooting fake humans on war games? Why do we like sugar? Why are PCs better than Macs (duh)? Why do people enjoy writing? Why do people like drawing pictures? Why is our image of the future the way it is? Why is laughing awesome? Why are things like insects, mud, and other weird things considered gross? Why do people not like blood and seeing people cut open? Why do we enjoy Warheads even though they make our mouths pucker up? These are just a few of my numerous questions about things that just don't make sense. I am hoping that I will be taken off that list of people neglecting their blogs. I would also like to draw your attention to the chicken that one of you has taken. This is the address of the thief If you have any information concerning the newly named "cluck" then please email me. Thanks. Thats all for now and I will try to keep this blog updated as well as I can. Until next time!


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, so philosophical- I'm shaking Baker. What's even more perplexing is how you came up with all of those.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger faith said...

yeah...ah...good questions. unfortunately, now I am going to think about the oddness of normal things for a long time...a little creepy, that.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

That is the point of this whole post! I want ya'll to think on this! Why do we clap our hands in appriciation? Why open our mouths in awe?

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Krista said...

Jonathan why do ask questions?

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Jake said...

I think that for most of your questions, the answer is because that is the way God made human beings. Why we like certain things, certain feelings, certain tastes (musical, sensical, visual), and certain likes and dislikes. And no one is the same. I think that for the vast majority of your other questions, the answer is because the vast majority of humanity are idiotic morons. As for your table manner questions, I will write a post, for it is somthing I have a pretty strong view on...

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Box-why do ask questions? I don't understand your question... Jake- You do that. I also don't understand why we listen to music. What is so cool about it? It doesn't make sense.

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not supposed to, o and I saw that Mr.Sunshine made a new post too.

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 9:56 PM, Blogger Cluck said...

Hey Jonathan, I have a new post up on my blog! I think you will be very interested to see what is going on!

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Jonny said...

Hey Chech Out The Totaly New Face Of My Blog

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