Monday, August 14, 2006


Today I would like to talk about chickens. For some reason people call other people chicken when they are being cowardly. This is not fair to those poor chickens!! I think that chickens are some very brave animals. For instance, when a chicken has it's head cut off it still has the courage to run around and fight for life!! These poor creatures are so misunderstood!! People should make more movies and other stuff about them. I would really like to know how the majestic chicken survives without a head. I think that roosters should be able to fly as well as chickens. Well I hope that y'all enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. T.T.F.N.!!!!


At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Jonathan!! I think that you are an amazing thinker!! You are the coolest dude on planet Earth!!!! I wish that you were my brother!!! You sound so cool!! Can I have your autograph?!?!?! Thanks!! Later Jonathan!!!

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Why thank you Bobby!!! I am flattered by your complements. I would give you my autograph but it wont be real because I would have to type it and then it wouldn't be that cool anymore. Sorry man. Thank you again!! Later.


At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, whatever.


At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see why you guys and girls are so mean to Jonathan!! He is so cool!! Even after Jonathan said some really cool things about you Colin or whoever you are!!! You are all so mean!!!

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not mean to Jonathan, and neither is anyone else we both know- we just like to tease him. The fact is he knows we're kidding- plus you've got to admit some of this stuff is just weird. As you can see we're close enough friends for that kind of stuff. No idea who you are either- but anyway, Jonathan can say whatever he wants about me. I know if it's something good, it's because we're friends, and if it's something mean (like about my adam's apple), he's just kidding. Happy now?

At 11:44 AM, Blogger faith said...

Wow Jonathan....that was deep. I like how you think, though. OUtside the box, outside the stereo type. It would be interesting to see why chickens run around after their heads are cut off - but I will spare you my stipulations and instead of popping your bubble, I will simply say that I think you have a good point. I am not mean to you, am I?? Who is bobby? OK, peace out from Colorado.

At 4:50 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Thank you Faith. I don't know about the outside the box, stereo type thing but I am asuming it was a complement. Popping my bubble about what statement and why? Yes you are the meanest to me!!jk. I have know idea who Bobby is, but he sure is nice. Later!!



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