Saturday, August 05, 2006


I would like to comment on frogs. I do not like touching frogs just like many other people. I do not understand why humans have made such a cool thing as a frog a gross and repulsive thing. Frogs are really cool in there own way. First of all they are amphibious. I mean how cool would it be to be able to live underwater and above it?? Frogs have webbed feet that enable them to swim many times faster. There is one frog that was very famous, It was Michigan J. Frog. He was and is the coolest frog around. He sings and dances and he fools the human into trying to sell his abilities. He is soooo cool!! One of the things I don't like about frogs is there stages of life. I think that tadpoles are cute but so very weird. Why would you want to be a roundish object with a flipper tail thing? That would not be cool!! Well I think that is all for today. Later!!



At 11:49 AM, Blogger Jake said...


At 3:21 PM, Blogger Seanzy said...

While Frogs have their respective place in the Kingdom Animalia, I must say that Lizards are by far cooler.

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Lizards may be cool but hey cannot stay underwater!!


At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the solution- salamanders. They look just like lizards but are also amphibious. Ha- I win this one. Salamanders are way cooler than either.


At 6:47 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Colin is right!!! Go Colin!!!!!!! You rule!! Go salamanders!!!!


At 12:25 PM, Blogger faith said...

your all nuts. I like geckos, they are cute and guess what, they can scream! plus all reptiles except turtles are gross to me. Ick.

In fact turtles beat all. they are WAY cooler than salamanders. They can breath underwater, swim, have a shell, look cool, are cute, and they move slowly on land, which rocks because not all people can do that (me...).

Forget salamanders, lizards, and salamanders.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Well turtles are pretty cool but they can't jump!!


At 8:21 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I am going away for the weekend so I will not be here. Bye!!


At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michigan J. Frog is pretty sweet, that much I'll admit. I'm actually quite surprised that Sean goes for the lizards with his ninja turtle handshake and what not. Lizards are cool too though- why are we talking about this again?

At 5:34 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

We are talking about this because it is what I feel like talking about. And Michigan J. Frog is cooooool!!!



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