Thursday, October 12, 2006

Official Story Contest Entry #1

Hi everyone!! I have decided to try to write this story in the only extra time I have. This story is about my great month-long vacation up and down the coast and into some parts of Canada. My dad's work gave him a week off for every year that he worked there. After 7 years he decided to use those weeks to take us on a RVing trip up the East coast. When we left Texas I was really excited. We traveled East through Louisiana and into Jackson, Mississippi where we spent our first night. We traveled up through Alabama and into Georgia were we stayed. Then from Georgia into Tennessee were we slept again. Tennessee was very pretty and full of wonderful trees and plants. It was probably the prettiest states we visited. After that we traveled all the way up to the amazing Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. In Williamsburg everyone there had to act as if it were colonial times it was awesome. One of my favorite people was the blacksmith. He actually had to use embers to melt the metal and smash it into the shape he wanted. I actually wanted to become a blacksmith for awhile. They also had old shops that sold some pretty wacky things including a old time quill and ink. I lost that when we cam home of course. After, we traveled to our nation's capital. DC was pretty cool. When we went to see the white house my dad took a picture of someone waving from one of the windows. He said it was the president but I had my doubts. We headed on up to Pennsylvania and visited an Omish town. It was weird that the used no electricity at all!!! If all the electrical stuff went out they would totally survive. I know I couldn't survive without my computer. Also in Pennsylvania we visited Gettysburg!! I don't think we saw any recreations of fighting but there was many other cool things. They had this shop that sold fake colonial money and bullets. I bought some of both and still have them if any of you wish to see them. I also bought a cool map of the battles in the US. As we were leaving Pennsylvania a terrible thing happened...the door to the camper hit on a tree!! I was supposably the on in charge of checking for the door to be shut. It took many hours of banging with a hammer to fix the broken door. We made it all the way to Boston, Massachusetts. In Boston there was this huge market that served everything you can imagine! I of course went to the candy store and spent my money on delicious sweets! We also say this statue by the road that we decided to take a picture by. When we stood beside it we found out that it wasn't a statue but a man standing very still in a costume!! We were so freaked out!! We finally got the picture and I will try to find it and put it on my site. It was awesome!! We then proceeded to Vermont where they make wonderful syrup!! We got to visit one of the factories that made it and see how it was made. They gave us all free samples!! It was so good that my parents bought a gallon of the stuff!! We left the states and headed for Quebec in Canada. Did you guys know that Quebec is like all French?!?! It was so weird. In the camp we went there were flies everywhere. And guess what had to pay to use the showers!!! Ugg!!! We didn't like the campground. We then traveled to Ontario where we spent a couple of days going to the lakes and visiting my aunt and uncle. We traveled to Niagara Fall next. It was so beautiful there!! We got to see it from the Canadian side which is said to be the best. We didn't get to go on the boat but it was still cool. We traveled all the way to West Virginia where we had brake problems and had to stop again. After we fixed that we traveled to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. It was really cool and very long. We then went to my favorite place out of all of them... Silver Dollar City in Missouri! We go there at like 8 every day and went on almost all the rides. They had rollercoasters and waterparks! They had sideshow events al well. It was so much fun. After that we traveled all the way home after making a stop in Texarkana. It was a really great trip but I still love my home the best.



At 2:56 PM, Blogger faith said...

wow. an amazing story. that must have been an awesome experience; actually, when you went I was jealous of you. but it sounded really cool. I hope I get to go to williamsburg, and I also hope I get to road trip around america before I die! good story, but mine is better.

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Jonathan, that may be pretty sweet to you, but unfortunately you still can't win! BTW- it's Amish not Omish. Each "exciting" point you made here I can top!

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Krista said...

Sounds like an awesome trip man. Why didn't you take me?

At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time man. I've been to Montreal, Quebec on business and it's absolutely beautiful. I've also been to Williamsburg but it was years and years ago and the only thing I remember was my little brother getting lost in the woods and us not finding him until 7 hours later, police and everything. So, yeah, I couldn't tell you if its a cool place or not. All I'd say is DON'T GO INTO THE WOODS!

At 7:02 AM, Blogger faith said...

yeah man. (man man man)

At 7:03 AM, Blogger faith said...

*me having a sweet angelic smile becuase I was just totally making fun of box and mr. carrol*


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