Saturday, September 09, 2006


People are stupid sometimes. Some people are stupid more often than others. I find that being stupid amuses people so when I act stupid it makes people laugh. Stupidity is just so easy and funny that I am sure everyone has tried being stupid. I have tried out being stupid and it works for me. I am a very intellegent person and also very logical but I am still stupid many times. If you go to our church(HCBCSW, I have a link to the website) then you have probably experienced my stupidity first hand. Do all of you people think that stupid is funny? When someone runs into a wall on purpose you laugh because they were stupid enough to do it!!! In BYBC when I did those amazing flying stunts you all laughed when I was hurt from such stupidity. To sum it all up Stupid=Funny. Did you know that there is actually a website called . This website knows how to make people laugh!!! It actually sell products there!!! Like this:

This is seriously an item you can buy!!!! Isn't that soooo stupid!!! I am done telling you how stupid I am so I would like to ask one question...who is Blogs*R*Wack!!?!?!?!??!


At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of like whenever James runs himself into the pole after football- granted it would be funnier if it was accident but it's still hillarious every time. Or the whole parody of "Stars" by Switchfoot that he sings. Come to think of it, you and James are probably the two that I would say fit this cattegory the best, but it's funny quite often. That hat's pretty sweet, I may have to buy one.

At 6:47 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

As I said: I am pretty stupid many times!!!

At 8:26 AM, Blogger faith said...

I think you have a good point...BUT, the importent thing is that people know you aren't really stupid, that you are just puting on a funny act. Because if you act stupid all the time, people will think you just are stupid if you aren't careful. You can be a really cool funny person, or you can just be stupid, you know? I don't think YOU're just stupid at all because you aren't always stupid around me, and that is good. So good post, and I woulod love to see someone wearing that hat.

And I am pretty sure that blogs*r*wack is stephanie

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Well...then acting stupid is funny. I am not always acting stupid as you said, I am seriuos when needed. I don't know if anyone would waste money on that hat but I will see what I can do. Later!!!

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I don't think that blogs r wack is stephanie because I already asked her. I just looked and whoever is running blogs r wack now has a sight up!!!! they also wrote a post!!! It is sort of cool!!! We should try to find out who he/she is!!!! (I think it might be Josh and so does Colin!!)

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Jake said...

I think that stupid is funny only when we know that the person who is being stupid is doing it on purpose to be funny. Like you, or me, or James. But when someone is stupid all the time, and you can't tell when they are joking and when they aren't, I think it's really annoying and kinda pathetic. I won't let on as such, but that is what I think on the subject.

At 7:28 AM, Blogger internetjason said...

i thing blogs*r*wack spelled WHACK wrong! and i think it might be brad pitt.

on the stupid=funny thing...just make sure you all know that it wears off once you turn 20. i'm not sure why, but now people just think i'm actually stupid...and not funny. well, at least they still say i'm funny looking.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

thank you for your comment!!


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