Saturday, August 19, 2006

Crocodile Hunter And Other

Hello again everyone!!! Today I am going to talk about the famous Crocodile Hunter!! The Crocodile Hunter is really cool and all but he has got to be one of the stupidest guys on the planet!! What I find is even more stupid is that I don't think he even gets paid for wrestling crocs!!! He goes out into the wilderness and risks his life almost every time for what?!?! To give some people a cool and exiting show?!!??! That is ridiculous!!! Even though he is soooooo stupid I have to admit he is really cool and has an awesome show. I don't know when it is on but I find it pretty neat any time it happens to be on. Well since I am done talking about that I will talk about planes(This is a tibute to Colin). Planes are, in my opinion, the coolest and best mode of transportation. They are the fastest way to get to other places really, really fast. The things they have on planes now amaze me!! Some of these planes have a phone in each of the seats. Others have tvs in a couple of different places so that you can watch from wherever you are sitting. Planes also have the technology now to make ther be almost no sound coming from outside!!! It just blows my mind!!! Well I think I am done now so TTFN!!!


At 5:34 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

BTW-Go to my Blueshark productions like and take the poll ther!! Thanks!! Later!!

At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Irwin is awesome, but I have to disagree with him being so stupid. This guy knows what he's doing! He has been raised on nothing but zookeeping his entire life, and he is darn good at it. He's really not as stupid as it seems because he's so smart with his job and situation. In fact, he's never been bitten by anything poisonous. Anyway- planes rock, ditto on all that you said.


At 6:41 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Well I couldn't tell if he was being stupid or not but it is still stupid to wrestle a croc no matter how much you know about them. Check out the new and improved Blog!!! An check your email!! Later!!!


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Just to let you all know Colin is a genius!!! He is awesome!!! I am so glad that he is part of my life!! Later!!!


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Seanzy said...

I disagree about your buddy Steve Erwin. Ever since he fed a croc with his child in the other arm my respect for him as dramatically diminished. I agree in that only a bonehead would do what he does.

At 5:10 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

It is true. But the show is still really cool. Later!!!


At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That whole croc feeding with his kid was played up a lot worse than it really is. First of all, he did that with all his kids, for some reason it just caught on more that time. Why wasn't it a big deal before? Second of all, like I said, Steve is a PRO. He would have never put his kid in a situation which he thought was dangerous. Feeding crocs is one of the easiest and safest things that he does. Making a big deal of this is like making a big deal of some guy giving his kid a car ride back from school. We never think about it, but that's a whole lot more dangerous than what he did. I win...


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Well Bobby maybe you are right but it gives us something cool to talk about.


At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen those Airbus A380s? If you're talking commercial planes, that's the coolest thing ever.


At 5:18 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

No I haven't. Maybe you can send me some pics of it. Later!!!

At 5:57 AM, Blogger faith said...

Ok. Jonathan wants me to comment. Comment: You are all berserk to think the crocodile hunter is even amusing. He is stupid, I would even go so far as to say either demon posessed or mentally disabled. His children, the ones who kiss snakes, will all need very serious counseling if they even make it to adulthood, with or without thier right minds. All this said, I am sure God still loves him.
The end.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Thank you for commenting!!!

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS!!! Steve Irwin DIED TODAY! THIS IS HORRIBLE! I'm devestated... awful. I'd like to say I still don't change on him being stupid or not- it was a FREAK ACCIDENT, nothing. He was shooting an underwater documentary when Steve was hit by a sting ray, and it pierced right through his heart, killing him instantly. Unbelievably rare and a %100 freak accident. It must have been a big ray, cuz it's not that easy to get to the heart. Can't anyone feel a little sympathy even if you think he was a morron?

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

That is very sad.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Seanzy said...

R.I.P. Steve
(Nobody could take on a croc or say "Crikey's!" like you.)

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

We will all mourn for the sorrowful death of Steve. A moment of silence if you will....

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Thank you.

At 5:53 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I will respond to you only after you tell me who you are!!! Otherwise I will block you!!!

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I would like to know so that I could keep the secret better. I could leave hints to people and it would lead them on a wild goose chase. Just email me if you have email. I am pretty sure that you have my email but if not then I sent it to you already. Later!!!


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