Friday, August 04, 2006

This is Jonathan's Blog- yes!

This is my blog. I was forced to get this because it was the only way that I could post on some of my friends blogs. Yeah. This is it. My blog. Is blog supposed to be capitalized? Hmmm...have you ever played 20 questions? I have this electronic version and it is amazing!! It guesses it every time. I think that playing with real people is more fun because they don't have a data bank that eliminates the wrong answers electronically. Yeah...well. I like thimbles. They are cool. I don't sew and I wear this cool little thimble. I am looking at this thimble and I think that it would be cool to have a thimble on each finger instead of just on your index. Taylor and I are making a movie. I thought you might like to see the website even though it is still in progress. and if you have any questions you can email the company at . It is going to be a really cool movie. I don't know if I can reveal what it is about just yet but I think some of you already know. Just email the company if you would like to be in the movie. Ohhh, does anyone know how to post pictures?? I tried and I couldn't figure it out. Maybe I will ask Colin. He is smart. It is amazing how smart Colin is. He is the smartest guy I know. Well maybe Roger is smarter but they are both very smart. I know that you think I am rambling but isn't that what you are supposed to do?? Say whatever you are thinking? That is what I think. I really loved Schlite..well I can't spell it, but you know what I am talking about. I think that my favorite thing is still the river that goes around the big tower thing. It is cool. I like playing tag in it too. But what I think is the most fun thing about it is the torrent. My group (James, Taylor, and Schmi) love going up the torrent and seeing how far we can get. But then James lost his glasses and we spent the entire morning searching for them. But it was still fun. I think we went around at least 20 times. Why do people like mice that roll around and you usually have a pad for. I prefer the kind that has the ball that you put your thumb on and it moves the pointer easier in my opinion. Although I have to say Colin's gaming mouse is really cool. It can adjust the speed on the mouse without going to settings. Yeah. Well I think that is the end of this entry. I know the people who are reading this are probably think "Yes it is over!!" But I will tell you it is not!! This is only the beginning!!!! Over and out.



At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonathan... you're a freak, but I commend you on your first attempt. Anyways, othere than you're post being extremely random and strange, this will probably be a very cool blog. Later


At 9:22 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Dear Colin,

I thank you for that. It makes me feel good when I am complemented by a geek. Ohh, by the way, I got links on my blog!!! I feel so proud.


At 9:29 AM, Blogger Seanzy said...

Jonathan, I am hurt. Do you know why I'm hurt Jonathan? Because in your time of getting a 'new blog' you didn't comment mine or create a link to my blog which could only mean you're ashamed of me. Yes Jonathan, I think I'm going to cry now, and I hope you understand my pain.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I just created the blog this morning Sean. I was just experimenting. I will add you if it will make you happy.

P.S. What is you email address?


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Seanzy said...

...Thankyou my boy.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

You are very welcome.


At 1:24 PM, Blogger faith said...

jonathan, you are nuts. but that is why you are funny, and I don't mind so much because you amuse me, and laughter is good for the soul. blogging, in my experience, is fun - when you remember to do it! so enjoy the freedom and use it wisely. mouses are all good, but I have no idea how they all work, because I am rather starkly in contrast to colin, I am the least gookish person I have heard of, maybe. and it is geekishlessness to a fault. I am proud to have another link to my blog. ok, later.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I am glad that I am a amusement to people. I like to make people laugh.


P.S. Tomorrow is going to be about strange, weird, and stupid rhymes.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Jake said...

Ok. Just, ok. Nothing more. Keep up the weirdness...

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

You are welcome Frank.


At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't get over how you and Roger use trackballs. It makes no sense. Whatever.


At 5:37 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Well Roger and I use trackballs because we are not humans. Only our species can use trackballs. But the rest is classified!! I shouldn't have even told you that........

(That is my name in our language!!)



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