Saturday, August 05, 2006

Cow Eggs

Well people I am sorry for getting your hopes up, but I can't write about rhymes today. I am not at my house and do not have the resources to write about that. So instead I will be talking about cow eggs. First of all I would like to ask you if you believe in cow eggs. If your answer was no then what you learn today will change your life. I have in my possession the only cow egg ever found. Cows have been fooling us for centuries. Cow first lay there egg then wait till it has hatched and let it move in with them. In doing this the cow has fooled the worker into thinking that the baby calf was not hatched. But what I find most interesting about cow eggs is what happens when they are eaten. When the eggs are eaten they start a strange mutation that doesn't stop until forming a two-headed cow!!! That is why we have strange two-headed cows every once in a while. Cow eggs have strange black markings on them similar to the markings of there parents. If you happen to be lucky enough to find one then please notify me as soon as possible. Thank you for reading this and I hope that it was interesting enough for you.



At 11:42 AM, Blogger Jake said...

Finally, someone weirder than me...

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Ha!!


At 12:27 PM, Blogger faith said...

jonathan dear, I don't mean to pop your bubble (I know it is delicate) but there really is NO SUCH THING as COW EGGS. I'm sorry, really, but you have been punked. its fake, bogus, a lie. hopefully, in time, with some counseling, you will be able to get over it!!

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I have actual cow egg!! They are real!!



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